Friday, September 24, 2010

Lord , Hear Our Prayer ! ( Lessons from Daniel's ' prayer of the faithful ' )

by Craig E.Morrison , O.Carm

At every Sunday Mass , after the Creed , the celebrant leads the congregation in the Prayer of the Faithful . By this point , we have heard God's word and listened to a homily about it. Now , as a community , we dare to address God directly ; " Lord hear our prayer ! "

In these prayers , we ask God for help with the concrete events of our daily lives as we pray for the church , for our nation , for those who are suffering and for the needs of our own community. We might also include personal prayers for a family member , for deceased loved ones , for ourselves and so much more .

Jesus assured his disciples that when we agree on our petitions to God , they will be granted ( Matthew 18:19 ) . But have you ever wondered why one of your personal " prayers of the faithful " was not granted as requested ? Have you questioned whether God was really listening ? If you have , then the centuries-old story of the wise man Daniel can speak to you today .

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