Sunday, September 19, 2010

Habits that help

At the dawning of a new day and before the setting sun ,

Make some time to always pray to God the three in one.

Be thankful for His mercy and His goodness and His love ,

And for sending down His precious Son with blessings from above .

Give God the things that pull you down and all that lurks within ,

Ask Him to purify your heart and cleanse it from all sin .

Let go of pride and selfishness and look for higher ground ,

Choose faith today instead of fear and spread His word around .

Surround yourself with Godly friends and cheer for one another ,

And share with sinners this great truth , above Him thereafter no others .

Rejoice in what God has done for you and always pass it on ,

Live strong in Christ and share His love before the time is gone ,

Forget the past and move ahead and keep your eyes on Christ ,

For He desires that You will be - His living sacrifice .

Reach out and take folks by the hand and let them see your heart ,

Be real in all you say and do and God will His part .


Romans 12: 1 -2

And so dear brothers and sisters , I plead with you to give

your bodies to God because of all He had done for you.

Let them be a living and holy sacrifice , the kind He will

find acceptable .

Do not copy the behaviour and customs of this world , but let

God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think .

Then you will learn to know God's will for you , which is good and pleasing

and perfect .

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