Friday, September 3, 2010

A Legend from the mini series , " The Thornbirds "

There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life , most sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth . For the moment it leaves the nest , it searches for a thorn tree - this beautiful bird . And it would not rest until it has found a thorn tree . Then , singing among the thorns , the savage branches , it pierces its breast upon the longest sharpest spine and dying , it rise above its agony to ourcarol , to outsing the lark and the nightingale. Once superlative song , existence the price . But the whole world stills to listen and God in His heaven smiles , for the best is only bought at the cost of great pain ! So , says the legend............

But now , a true story ;

Once upon a time , there was a man . And he decided to sing the world's most beautiful LOVE SONG . He loved so greatly , that he allowed his friends to pierce him upon the sharpest spine - the sharpest thorn .

Dying upon that thorn - upon that spine , he sang the most beautiful LOVE SONG . And while he sang this most beautiful love song , the world in its stillness and silence listened as this harmony burstforth to the very depths of the earth and God in His heavens smiles because LOVE WAS BOUGHT - at the cost of great pain !
JESUS invites you to join in this Love Song . The Son of God has allowed Himself to be pierced on the sharpest spine in the sharpest thorn in order to sing this beautiful Love Song - a song which says , I LOVE YOU ! The lives and the tears through all the centuries of many a man and woman has been moved , has been lifted by this Love Song ................. What is your respond ?
" For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that who soever believeth in Him , will not perish but will have eternal life " John 3:16

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