Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Lenten pledge

A Lenten Pledge
by Fr. Lawrence S. Brey
My crucified Jesus, my God and Savior, help me make a good Lent, root out my sins, and live in union with Thee.
With Thy help, I pledge and resolve the following Lenten efforts:
1. I will do penance for my sins, and make special sacrifices for Thee.
2. I will pray more often, more attentively, more humbly.
3. I will bend my will to Thine, by obeying Thy commandments and my superiors.
4. I will give up certain things I like, to better strengthen my will against evil allurements.
5. I will more strictly avoid occasions of sin.
6. I will control and discipline my eyes, my imagination, and my curiosity.
7. I will regard Lent as a time of war against my sins and weaknesses; a time to root out bad habits and self-love.
8. I will also use Lent as a time to grow in virtue, in Thy Love, in peace.
9. I will often think of Thee crucified for my sins, and try to have true contrition and purpose of amendment.
10. I will be cheerful amidst my penances and efforts, without becoming a cross or burden to others.
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can."

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