Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today's Gospel reading - The Our Father

If you have attended today's mass , the Gospel was from Luke chapter 11 verse 1 to 13 , about the Our Father . Jesus' disciples asked Him " Lord , teach us to pray , just as John taught his disciples."
To summarize , ever wondered where and how could Jesus possibly ' invented ' such a powerful prayer being about the Father in heaven ? Did you ever realise that the Our Father is a community prayer - emphasizing on " give us each our daily bread " instead of saying " give me each day my daily bread " ? Or " as we forgive those " instead of " as I forgive him or her " ?
Let us not just recite or sing the Our Father for the sake of singing but rather , meaningfully and prayerfully praying the very same words that our Lord taught us . Isn't this a beautiful wonder ?

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