Friday, July 30, 2010

Oh ! what a blessed day !

" This is My Body "

What Christ gives us is quite explicit if His own words are interpreted according to their Aramaic meaning . The expression " This is My Body " means ' This is Myself " .

Karl Rahner , S.J


Bible quote ;

Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. But if a widow has children or grandchildren , these should learn first of all to put their religion into practise by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents , for this is pleasing to God . - 1 Timothy 5:3-4


Spiritual Dryness by - Henri J.M.Nouwen

from Henri J.M.Nouwen's Bread For The Journey

Sometimes we experience a terrible dryness in our spiritual life. We feel no desire to pray , don't experience God's presence , get bored with worship services , and even think that everything we ever believed about God , Jesus and the Holy Spirit is little more than a childhood fairy tale !

Then it is important to realise that most of theses feelings and thoughts are just feelings and thoughts , and that the Spirit Of God dwells beyond our feelings and thoughts. It is a great grace to be able to experience God's presence in our feelings and thoughts , but when we don't , it does not mean that God is absent . If often means that God is calling us to a greater faithfulness . It is precisely in times of spiritual dryness that we must hold on to our spiritual discipline so that we can grow into new intimacy with God.

Reflection from Bread for the Journey

Never Give Up On Anything

It's Madness -
To hate all roses , because you got scratched by one thorn ,
To give up all your dreams , because one did not come true ,
To lose faith in prayers , because one was not answered.

To give up on your efforts , because one of them failed ,
To condemn all your friends , because one of them betrayed ,
Not to believe in love , because someone was unfaithful.

Remember that another chance may come up .
A new friend , A new love , A new life .

Never give up on anything !

Author unknown

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mother Teresa

Funeral weather

As with many funerals , it was a cloudy , rainy day.
The deceased was a little old lady who had devoted her entire married life to fussing at her poor husband. When the graveside service had no more than terminated , there was a tremendous burst of thunder accompanied by a distant lightning bolt.
The little old man looked at the pastor and calmly said , " Well , she's there " .

Blessed Sunday to you :) !

Today's Gospel reading - The Our Father

If you have attended today's mass , the Gospel was from Luke chapter 11 verse 1 to 13 , about the Our Father . Jesus' disciples asked Him " Lord , teach us to pray , just as John taught his disciples."
To summarize , ever wondered where and how could Jesus possibly ' invented ' such a powerful prayer being about the Father in heaven ? Did you ever realise that the Our Father is a community prayer - emphasizing on " give us each our daily bread " instead of saying " give me each day my daily bread " ? Or " as we forgive those " instead of " as I forgive him or her " ?
Let us not just recite or sing the Our Father for the sake of singing but rather , meaningfully and prayerfully praying the very same words that our Lord taught us . Isn't this a beautiful wonder ?

Monday, July 19, 2010

What's Anointing of the Sick ?

The Sacrament of the Sick if often administered near the time of death to bring spiritual and even physical strength. The sacrament's name has changed over time. It was once called Extreme Unction , which means the last anointing and has been referred to as part of the last rites.
Like all the sacraments , holy anointing was instituted by Jesus Christ . The Sacrament of the Sick conveys several graces and imparts gifts of strengthening in the Holy Spirit against anxiety , discouragement and temptation and conveys peace and fortitude .
A person does not have to be dying to receive this sacrament . The Catechism of the Catholic Church says , " The Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death . Hence , as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age , the fitting receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived " ( No.1514) .

Aches and pangs

Consider how much more you suffer from your anger and grief than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved.

by Marcus Antonius

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcome aboard the ship................

Dear friends , I was just contemplating lately about blogging on faith matters that is my religion. Hence , I've decided to come up with this blog title and to post mostly faith and religion related topics . Please , feel free to share you opinions and views with me on how I can further enhanced this new page .