Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Lenten pledge

A Lenten Pledge
by Fr. Lawrence S. Brey
My crucified Jesus, my God and Savior, help me make a good Lent, root out my sins, and live in union with Thee.
With Thy help, I pledge and resolve the following Lenten efforts:
1. I will do penance for my sins, and make special sacrifices for Thee.
2. I will pray more often, more attentively, more humbly.
3. I will bend my will to Thine, by obeying Thy commandments and my superiors.
4. I will give up certain things I like, to better strengthen my will against evil allurements.
5. I will more strictly avoid occasions of sin.
6. I will control and discipline my eyes, my imagination, and my curiosity.
7. I will regard Lent as a time of war against my sins and weaknesses; a time to root out bad habits and self-love.
8. I will also use Lent as a time to grow in virtue, in Thy Love, in peace.
9. I will often think of Thee crucified for my sins, and try to have true contrition and purpose of amendment.
10. I will be cheerful amidst my penances and efforts, without becoming a cross or burden to others.
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can."

Monday, February 11, 2013

Why should you quit drinking ?

By Rev Fr Joseph Edattu VC
Drunkenness is a horrible affliction, currently plaguing mankind the world over. Many doubt whether it is a sin. Some misuse the Word of God to justify this deadly sin. Let us examine the Word of God on this subject and ponder over why we should avoid taking alcohol completely.
1. Alcoholism is the handiwork of the devil. (Rom 13:12-13) “...the night is far gone, the day is near. Let us then lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armour of light; let us live honourably as in the day, not in revelling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarrelling and jealousy”.
2. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; do not destroy it. (Cor 3:16-17) “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person. For God’s temple is holy and you are that temple”. The angel Gabriel, who came with the message of God, told Zechariah “For he (St. John the Baptist) will be great in the sight of the Lord. He must never drink wine or strong drink: even before his birth he will be filled with the Holy Spirit” (Lk 1:15) Jews were allowed to drink wine, and yet John was prohibited from drinking wine or strong drinks by Almighty God - because John was filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who are filled with Holy Spirit or wish to be filled with the Holy Spirit should never consume alcohol or intoxicating drinks.
3. If Jesus dwells in your heart, alcohol cannot comfort you. If Jesus is present in you, you will experience fullness of love, happiness, comfort and high spirits. You will not feel the need to go after any other intoxication or comfort. (1 Jn 3:9) “Those who have been born of God do not sin, because God’s seed abides in them; they cannot sin, because they have been born of God”. Those who do not have Jesus in them will yearn for the comfort of alcohol and other worldly pleasures. They will never come out of these worldly sins without experiencing the intoxication of Jesus. “Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit”. (Eph 5:18)
4. Those who indulge in even moderate drinking cannot maintain purity in life. God demanded that Samson should never drink alcohol so as to maintain purity of life. “Now be careful not to drink wine or strong drink or to eat anything unclean”. (Judges 13:4) It shows wine is also considered as an unclean thing. Aaron was asked not to drink wine or other strong drinks so as to remain saintly. “Drink no wine or strong drinks, neither you nor your sons, when you enter the tent of meeting so that you may not die”. (Lev 10:9) For those who drink, spiritual death is certain and those who are spiritually dead are not saints - they are merely corpses.
5. Those who drink wine or any strong drink will never be able to guide others; their judgments and visions will be wrong. “The priest and prophet reel with strong drink, they are confused with wine, they stagger with strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in giving judgment. All tables are covered with filthy vomit; no place is clean”. (Is 28:7,8)(Is 22:13-14) “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. The Lord of hosts has revealed Himself in my ears: surely this iniquity will not be forgiven you until you die, says the Lord God of hosts”.
6. The families, parishes and religious communities which serve alcohol on their dining table will perish beyond recognition and split up. "But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother or sister who is sexually immoral or greedy, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber. Do not even eat with such a one". (1 Corinthians 5:11) When that time comes, I shall search Jerusalem by lamplight and punish the men stagnating over the remains of their wine, who say in their hearts, 'Yahweh can do nothing, either good or bad.' Their wealth shall be plundered and the houses laid waste. Though they build houses they shall not inhabit them”. (Zeph 1:12-13) In European countries, cathedrals have been turned into liquor parlours and dance bars - because they have turned their own bodies (which were created as God’s temples) into bars. They have turned their homes also into liquor stores. Then why should churches or cathedrals be preserved as houses of God? “Therefore, God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the degrading of their bodies among themselves”. (Rom 1:24)
7. To drunkards and to those who justify drinking, eternal misery is the reward (Is 5:11) “Ah, you who rise early in the morning in pursuit of strong drink, who linger in the evening to be inflamed by wine”, are destined to be ruined. For those who justify drunkenness, God says, “Woe to those who call what is bad, good, and what is good, bad, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter”. (Is. 5:20)
8. Drunkards shall never inherit God’s kingdom (Gal 5:19-21)“Now the works of the flesh are obvious: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the things like that. I am warning you, as I warned you before, these who do such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God”. (1 Cor 6:10-11) “...thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers - none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. And this is what some of you used to be”.
9. Drunkards can never claim God’s approval. “For this reason, the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God: it does not submit to God’s law - it cannot, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God (Rom.8:7-8), and“Because the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, the pride in riches, comes not from the Father, but from the world”(1 John 2:16)
10. You may be drunk; but not from wine or any strong drink. Is 29:9, “Be drunk, but not from wine; stagger, but not from strong drink!” The Word of God asks us to be drunk with the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:18, “Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit…”. After the Pentecostal experience, Peter and other disciples were filled with Holy Spirit and staggering. People thought they were drunk with wine. Then Peter said, “Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning.” Those who experience the pleasure of the presence of the Holy Spirit will never seek any other pleasures.
So, what shall we do? (Rom.12:1) “I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship”.
This is what we can do:
Repent for believing that drunkenness is not a sin.
Repent over the occasions you indulged in social drinking, to show off your social standing. It is not in joining the majority, but in standing against the worldly instincts of the majority, that you prove your character.
Pray fervently for drunkards, those who manufacture alcohol, and for the families who are involved in the sale of alcoholic beverages, so that these families may not end up in total disaster and may stop this evil immediately.
Pray for those who are addicted to drinks; especially for those chosen ones of God who are set apart for Jesus.
Pray for mercy, for those who try to justify drinking by misinterpreting the word of God.
Pray for all humanity throughout the universe, to be filled with the intoxicating presence of the Holy Spirit.

Friday, February 8, 2013

A different prayer

Lord, thank you for this sink full of dirty dishes; we have plenty of food to eat.

Thank you for this pile of dirty laundry; we have plenty of nice clothes to wear.

And I would like to thank you, Lord, for those unmade beds; they were so warm and comfortable last night. I know that many have no bed.
My thanks to you, Lord, for this bathroom, complete with all the splattered mirrors, soggy, grimy towels and dirty lavatory; they are so convenient.
Thank you for this finger-smudged refrigerator that needs defrosting so badly; it has served us faithfully for many years. It is full of cold drinks and enough leftovers for two or three meals.
Thank you, Lord, for this oven that absolutely must be cleaned today. It has baked so many things over the years.
The whole family is grateful for that tall grass that needs mowing, the lawn that needs raking; we all enjoy the yard.
Thank you, Lord, even for that slamming screen door. My kids are healthy and able to run and play.
Lord, the presence of all these chores awaiting me says, You have richly blessed my family. I shall do them cheerfully and I shall do them gratefully.

Monday, February 4, 2013


It was put in my heart to share this ...... about PEOPLE about US ! 
Matthew 6: 19 -21 "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where they can be eaten by moths and get rusty, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves. Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.
We live in a society that is concerned about things ,buying the biggest and best house ,driving the nicest car and acquiring the latest gadget.But that is not the primary focus of the Lord,nor should it be for any believer. The Lord does not object to us having things,but he objects to things having us. God didn't say that money was the root of all evil. He said the ***Love**** of money was.(1 Tim 6:10).That means putting money first in our lives above everything else.
The Psalmist wrote "Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desires. (Ps37:4).
Jesus tells us to “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matt 6:33)
OUR FOCUS SHOULD BE FURTHERING THE KINGDOM OF GOD .If our bottom-line heart motivation isn’t souls, we’re not focusing on the right thing. There is a record in heaven where we will have to give an account of everything that we do and say (Rom 14:12) Matthew 6:20 instructs us to lay up treasures in heaven. So, every time we give to the Lord out of a pure heart ,we’re laying up a heavenly bank account and increasing our balance. Giving is making another deposit for eternity. And just like an earthly bank account, we can make withdrawals. Consider giving as an opportunity to advance God’s Kingdom and enhance your heavenly bank account. Who knows you better-the teller at the bank or the recording angel of the bank of heaven?.
~~ we try to do the best we can, God Bless ~~

Friday, January 18, 2013

GOD will find you ........................

God will find you--very good true story 
Father John Powell, a professor at Loyola University in Chicago, writes about a student in his Theology of Faith class named Tommy:

" Some twelve years ago, I stood watching my university students file into the classroom for our first session in the Theology of Faith.

That was the day I first saw Tommy. My eyes and my mind both blinked. He was combing his long flaxen hair, which hung six inches below his shoulders. It was the first time I had ever seen a boy with hair that long. I guess it was just coming into fashion then. I know in my mind that it isn't what's on your head but what's in it that counts; but on that day I was unprepared and my emotions flipped.. I  immediately filed Tommy under 'S' for strange... Very strange.

Tommy turned out to be the 'atheist in residence' in my Theology of Faith course. He constantly objected to, smirked at, or whined about the possibility of an
unconditionally loving Father/God. We lived with each other in relative peace for one semester, although I admit he was for me at times a serious pain in the back pew.

When he came up at the end of the course to turn in his final exam, he asked in a cynical tone, 'Do you think I'll ever find God?'

I decided instantly on a little shock therapy. 'No!' I said very emphatically.

'Why not,' he responded, 'I thought that was the product you were pushing.'

I let him get five steps from the classroom door and then called out, 'Tommy! I don't think you'll ever find Him, but I am absolutely certain that He will find you!' He shrugged a little and left my class and my life.

I felt slightly disappointed at the thought that he had missed my clever line -- He will find you! At least I thought it was clever.  Later I heard that Tommy had graduated, and I was duly grateful.

Then a sad report came. I heard that Tommy had terminal cancer. Before I could search him out, he came to see me.  When he walked into my office, his body was very badly wasted and the long hair had all fallen out as a result of chemotherapy. But his eyes were bright and his voice was firm, for the first time, I believe. 

'Tommy, I've thought about you so often; I hear you are sick,' I blurted out.

'Oh, yes, very sick. I have cancer in both lungs. It's a matter of weeks...'

'Can you talk about it, Tom?' I asked.

'Sure, what would you like to know?' he replied.

'What's it like to be only twenty-four and dying?

'Well, it could be worse.

'Like what?

'Well, like being fifty and having no values or ideals, like being fifty and thinking that booze, seducing women, and making money are the real biggies in life..

I began to look through my mental file cabinet under 'S' where I had filed Tommy as strange. (It seems as though everybody I try to reject by classification, God sends back into my life to educate me.)

'But what I really came to see you about,' Tom said, 'is something you said to me on the last day of class.' (He remembered!) He continued, 'I asked you if you thought I would ever find God and you said, 'No!' which surprised me. Then you said, 'But He will find you.' I thought about that a lot, even though my search for God was hardly intense at that time.

(My clever line. He thought about that a lot!)

'But when the doctors removed a lump from my groin and told me that it was malignant, that's when I got serious about locating God.. And when the malignancy spread into my vital organs, I really began banging bloody fists against the bronze doors of heaven.. But God did not come out. In fact, nothing happened. Did you ever try anything for a long time with great effort and with no success? You get psychologically glutted, fed up with trying. And then you quit.

'Well, one day I woke up, and instead of throwing a few more futile appeals over that high brick wall to a God who may be or may not be there, I just quit. I decided that I didn't really care about God, about an afterlife, or anything like
that. I decided to spend what time I had left doing something more profitable. I thought about you and your class and I remembered something else you had said: 'The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to go through life and leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you had loved them.''

'So, I began with the hardest one, my Dad.. He was reading the newspaper when I approached him.. 'Dad.

'Yes, what?' he asked without lowering the newspaper.

'Dad, I would like to talk with you.'

'Well, talk.

'I mean . It's really important.'

The newspaper came down three slow inches. 'What is it?'

'Dad, I love you, I just wanted you to know that.' Tom smiled at me and said it with obvious satisfaction, as though he felt a warm and secret joy flowing inside of him.  'The newspaper fluttered to the floor. Then my father did two things I could never remember him ever doing before. He cried and he hugged me. We talked all night, even though he had to go to work the next morning. It felt so good to be close to my father, to see his tears, to feel his hug, to hear him say that he loved me..'

'It was easier with my mother and little brother. They cried with me, too, and we hugged each other, and started saying real nice things to each other. We shared the things we had been keeping secret for so many years.
'I was only sorry about one thing --- that I had waited so long. Here I was, just beginning to open up to all the people I had actually been close to.

'Then, one day I turned around and God was there. He didn't come to me when I pleaded with Him. I guess I was like an animal trainer holding out a hoop, 'C'mon, jump through.  C'mon, I'll give you three days, three weeks.''

'Apparently God does things in His own way and at His own hour. But the important thing is that He was there. He found me! You were right. He found me even after I stopped looking for Him.'

'Tommy,' I practically gasped, 'I think you are saying something very important and much more universal than you realize. To me, at least, you are saying that the surest way to find God is not to make Him a private possession, a problem solver, or an instant consolation in time of need, but rather by opening to love. You know, the Apostle John said that. He said: 'God is love, and anyone who lives in
love is living with God and God is living in him.' Tom, could I ask you a favor? You know, when I had you in class you were a real pain. But (laughingly) you can make it all up to me now. Would you come into my present Theology of Faith course and tell them what you have just told me? If I told them the same thing it would not be half as effective as if you were to tell it.

'Oooh.. I was ready for you, but I don't know if I'm ready for your class.'

'Tom, think about it. If and when you are ready, give me a call.'

In a few days Tom called, said he was ready for the class, that he wanted to do that for God and for me. So we scheduled a date.

However, he never made it. He had another appointment, far more important than the one with me and my class. Of course, his life was not really ended by his death, only changed.  He made the great step from faith into vision. He found a
life far more beautiful than the eye of man has ever seen or the ear of man has ever heard or the mind of man has ever imagined.

Before he died, we talked one last time .

'I'm not going to make it to your class,' he said.

'I know, Tom.'

'Will you tell them for me? Will you tell the whole world for me?'

I will, Tom. I'll tell them. I'll do my best.'

So, to all of you who have been kind enough to read this simple story about God's love, thank you for listening. And to you, Tommy, somewhere in the sunlit, verdant hills of heaven --- I told them, Tommy, as best I could.

If this story means anything to you, please pass it on to a friend or two. It is a true story and is not enhanced for publicity purposes.

With thanks, 
Rev. John Powell, 
Loyola University , Chicago

Thursday, January 17, 2013

God's protection is more than a match for our problems.

Birds use their wings for many purposes other than flying. In times of
danger, a mother bird's wings provide a feathered canopy of protection.
When darkness falls and the temperature drops, it is under their mother's
wings that young chicks find the warmth they need to make it through the
frosty night. As the rain plummets to the earth, these same wings provide
dry shelter. For those who are young and vulnerable, the wings of their
mother promise the safety and security they need.

God never abandons His own. In times of danger and distress, He spreads
His wings of protection and comfort over us. Enveloped by His pinions, we
do not need to fear the difficult circumstances of life. Personal storms
may rage around us, but we are safe under the canopy of God's constant
care. The psalmist assures us , " He shall cover you with His feathers, and
under His wings you shall take refuge " (Ps. 91:4).

If you are going through painful times, nestle yourself under His wings.
Take comfort in the fact that God's protection is spread over you. Nothing
can touch your life without His express permission. Nothing can threaten
you without His express protection .