Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A man who talked to everybody

Karol Wojtyla'a ability to reach people was aided by his ability to speak a number of languages . Born into a Polish-speaking home , he began learning German at age 10 ; Latin at age 13 ; and Greek at age 14 . During World War II , while doing manual labor and acting in and directing underground patriotic theater , Wojtyla engaged a tutor to teach him French.

When he became enamored with the writings of mystical saints , he learned Spanish by studying a German- Spanish dictionary ; he wanted to read St John of the Cross more authentically . The future pope acquired passable Italian and English while obtaining his theology doctorate in Rome . Eventually , he became fluent in both . In seminary , he also studied Hebrew though he never fully mastered it .

By the time he became pontiff , the pope has mastered eight languages. Later in life , John Paul II learned Portuguese and numerous Slavic languages. When he visited a nation whose language he had not mastered , he prepared for weeks with a tutor so he might make small talk with dignitaries and punctuate his speeches with important sentences in the native tongue. When he cried out in Japanese , " Never again Hiroshima , " the people of that nation wept .

Monday, November 29, 2010

Prayer for our faithful departed

We pray for the dead because we believe in the resurrection that leads to life without end. We pray also because in the communion of saints the Lord welcomes our fraternal assistance . Our hope overcomes our pain and we can say with St Augustine ; " If you only knew the immense mystery of heaven where we shall live eternally ! The thought that pervades us is ; would you cry if you loved me ? I am in the warm embrace of an infinite good God . The things of earth are so little in comparison . I will continue to love you , to tenderly walk with you even though you do not see me , for I now live in unspeakable joy .

In the anxieties of life , think of this eternal home where you will be united with your loved ones who are living in joy and endless bliss . Do not cry if you really love me " .

The Lord of Life

Lord of life , true friend of humanity , you were moved at the grief of the widow of Naim and you restored her son to life for her . You wept at the tomb of Lazarus your friend and gave him back to his beloved sister. Yet in your great love for us you did not hesitate to die on the cross that we might be free from sin and selfishness . Grant that the memory of all those who have preceded us to their heavenly abode may not be a source of sadness and resignation but rather an impetus to serve our suffering sisters and brother that one day we may all come to live with you forever in heaven . Amen .

Let us pray ;

O God , Jesus our Saviour shines as the bright hope of a blessed resurrection . When we are saddened by the certainty of dying , He consoles us with the promise of future immortality . Lord , for your faithful people , life is changed , not ended and while the abode of our earthly dwelling is destroyed , an eternal resting place is prepared for us in heaven. We therefore rejoice that though death is our common inheritance we are assured that one day we shall come to live with You for all eternity in heaven . AMEN .

Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Sunday in Advent 2010 - O Come Divine Messiah

The Souls In Purgatory

It is very lamentable that so many Christians forget and neglect the souls in Purgatory. If is possible that some of our dear friends are suffering in these dreadful fires , waiting , waiting for our prayers and help - which we could so easily give them and do not give them.

We have pity for the poor whom we see in the streets , for the hungry and for all those who suffer . None suffer so terribly as the souls in Purgatory , for the fire of Purgatory , as St Thomas tells us , is the same as the fire of Hell !

How often , do you pray for the Holy Souls ? Days and weeks and perhaps months pass and you do little , perhaps nothing for them !

You can easily help them if you will say frequently the Name of Jesus because you thus offer for them the Precious Blood and suffering of Jesus Christ as we have explained and you gain 300 days indulgence every time you say " JESUS " . Having the custom of repeating often the Holy Name , you can like St Mechtilde , relieve thousands of souls who will thereafter never cease praying for you with incredible fervor.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Answers To Prayers In Faith

" Have faith in God . Truly I tell you , if you say to this mountain , ' be taken up and thrown into the sea ' , and if you do not doubt in your heart , but believe that what you say will come to pass , it will be done for you . So I tell you , whatever you ask in prayer , believe that you have received it , and it will be yours . "
( Mark 11 : 22-24 )

" If you abide in me and my words abide in you , ask for whatever you wish , and it will be done for you " .
( John 15 : 7 )