The turning point of his life was just after the death of his mother St Monica that St Augustine , at the age of 31 , Augustine had a supernatural experience " as if a light of relief from all anxiety flooded into my heart " . It was then that " all the shadows of doubt were dispelled " and he accepted God as part of his life .
Life of St Augustine
Although Augustine would become a great man of faith , he continued to struggle with the obvious pain , suffering and evil allowed by God . In his first book , On Order ( 386 AD ) , Augustine wrote : -
' There is nothing that even the most gifted people desire more than to finally understand how , taking into account the amount of evil in this world , one can still believe that God cares about human affairs ' .
For the next forty years , Augustine grappled with the reality of this paradox. He focused on God's nature in scripture and God's apparent desire for humanity . He determined that God created us for a relationship with Him and that authentic relationship is impossible with puppets. Apparently , God wanted us to have the capacity to freely choose love or hate - good or evil . After four decades of writing on the subject , Augustine concluded that " God judged it better to bring good out of evil than to suffer no evil at all " .
Famous quotes of St Augustine
" He who sings , prays twice " .
On his journey
" Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee (GOD) " - Confession 1.1
O great Augustine , our father and teacher ,
who knows the shining paths of God ,
and also the crooked paths of men ,
we admire the marvels that divine Grace
has worked in you
making you a passionate witness
to truth and goodness ,
at the service of your neighbour.
by John Paul II